MicroDA Datalogger


Categories: Digitizer

MicroDA is a compact acquisition unit for environmental and meteo-climate monitoring stations, and it can directly manage at the same time weather sensors, analyzers, chemical-physical probes and other devices thanks to its analog, digital and pulse electrical outputs. Its main feautures are the ease of use and configuration, as well as the efficiency of data management. It is at the same time a very versatile device, being MicroDA a very perfomant and suitable datalogger for every kind of meteorological application. It has been designed to match the most various needs of data acquisition, processing and transmission, from the simplest ones related to single weather stations, to the most complex concerning monitoring networks managed by remote control centers. The very low power consumption represents another relevant outstanding feature, making it particularly suitable for applications in harsh environments with reduced insolation. Furthermore, an open source FreeRTOS operating system makes the device very easy to programme. MicroDA is extremely compact and terminal blocks are incorporated in a single element, allowing all the sensors connections to be very easy to handle, along with the power supply battery charger. The display is equipped with a Joystick to facilitate the data acquisition management. MicroDA can be provided also in the LTE version (UMTS/LTE modem incorporated), thus reducing the energy consumption and at the same time offering a more affordable device, being the two products integrated in a single one. It is possible to connect additional communication devices such as UHF radios, satellite or short-range radios in free band, and this option is available for both versions of MicroDA.

Product Detail Description

Date and time, instant data and processed data. Possibility to perform commutations and tests.

DATA PRE-PROCESSING (instantaneous measurements)
Data processing (corective tornslas, calculation algori- thms, and more).

STATISTICAL PROCESSING (recorded measures)
MicroDA acquires the instantaneous values and stores them in a temporary archive. At the end of a settable time base, stored values are processed to compute and elaborate the desired statistical data. For each measurement it is possible to define the acquisition frequency and the recording frequency. Main statistical elaborations are: instant measurements, arithmetic mean, accumulation, period, integral, vector mean, trigonometric average, minimum and maximum.

Initially the acquired data are saved in a temporary area (tipical- ly hourly set). Then data are permanently stored in an internal FAT memory area. Data can also be copied into an external SD memory card. Memory management can be either in linear mode (continuo-us storage up to full memory card capacity), or circulate mode data are overwritten once the memory card is full. Record track is done with a compact binary structure, to minimize the costs and time required to transfer data to a remote station.

• Data transmission via: internal UMTS / LTE modem (in the LTE version).
• Optional transmission via UHF radio or satellite terminal (for all versions).
• Sending data to FTP servers and alarms also via SMS.
• Communication protocols TCP-IP, FTP, MODBUS.

MicroDA has a set of procedures for the following controls:
• Check on the single acquisition channel;
• Check on the storage area;
• Verification of communication with the transmission system;
• Proper MPPT charger working point management.

• Parameter name and engineering units;
• Minimum and maximum value detectable by the sensor (start of scale and full scale);
• Number of decimals after the decimal point to set the measurement;
• Corrective formula: conversion formula to obtain the value in engineering units from the incoming signal;
• Intervals for acquisition / recording and processing of data that can be generated;
• All information for sending data.

• Possibility to set minimum and maximum alarm thresholds (hysteresis option included to reset prior condition);
• Possibility of sending alarm SMS and changing operating frequency for data transmission.

Digital Inputs N. 3 opto-isolated, (optionally sinusoidal version).
Internal PULLUP
Analog Outputs N. 4 (12bit): 2 tension outputs (0-2,5V), 2 current outputs (4-20mA).
Digital Outputs N. 3 open-drain
Modem integrated Incorporated Sierra Wireless LTE modem - switched power supply (e019b-uDA-LTE version),
MicroSIM included.
Direct connector RF SMA
Power supply and Consumption Lead battery (12V).
Solar panel (Max 100W, 24V).
External 12V nominal power supply (typical Power supply 13,8V) - backup battery included.
10,5V - 15V power supply (without backup battery).
Lithium battery (5,5V - 15V).
Consumption (typical) 2mA@12V
Charger MPPT (14V - 18V) with automatic achieving of maximum efficiency. Compensated charger battery regulator.
Power supply provided to the connected devices
N. 3 Vbat outputs limited to 5A, switched on COM
N. 2 12V outputs limited to 1,5A on analogic inputs
N. 1 2,5V/10mA outputs
More features Battery voltage and charging current
Control functions
Solar panel voltage
Operating current
Protections against electrostatic discharge on each input.
Operating temperature range -40 ÷ + 80 °C
Ordering codes MicroDA Datalogger
MicroDA Datalogger, integrated modem e020b-uDA-LTE
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