Categories: Meteorology

TEVAP is a Class A evaporimeter specifically designed to comply with WMO standards, making it one of the most useful sensors in agrometeorology for investigating the level of evapotranspiration in a specific area. Essentially, TEVAP consists of a sturdy stainless steel pan with a submerged piezometer, measuring the variation of water level in the pan due to external environmental conditions. A wooden tank placed at the bottom of the pan isolates the evaporimeter from the ground, preventing the measurement from being affected by the transmission of soil heat and moisture. The entire system is highly performant, ensuring high standards of accuracy and resolution even for small variations in water level. The sensing element has been meticulously designed to detect very small changes in the measurement.

The sensor's ceramic cell provides the output value of pressure through polynomial compensation of atmospheric pressure. TEVAP is equipped with digital output on a serial RS485 port and analog output (4-20 mA current).

TEVAP comes with power and signal cable (12m).

  • High accuracy and resolution
  • Highly performant piezometer, composed of a ceramic cell with long-term stability
  • Low power consumption
  • Class A evaporimeter, compliant with WMO standards (World Meteorological Organization)

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