Categories: Meteorology

The TTA sensor has been designed to collect the water temperature measurement with high precision and reliability. The sensitive element is a Pt100 thermometer with a response curve according to the standard DIN 43760 1/3. The sensor’s body is made of PVC, a material which ensures to the instrument a reduced weight but excellent protection and durability at the same time. TTA sensor is supplied with power and signal cable (15m).

Main Features

  • High precision
  • Robust but low weight
  • Excellent long-term stability
  • Overvoltages protection

Product Detail Description

Temperature [°C] Measurement range Accuracy Temperature Natural Voltage
-30 ÷ +60 1/3 DIN 43760 -30°C ÷ +60°C 4 wires Pt100 0÷2V ↔ -30÷60°C
Power supply and Consumption (-I/-V/-S versions) Power consumption (mA) 4÷20mA
Min Typical Max 5 - 25
Protective body Dimensions Ordering codes Current output RS485-Modbus serial output
Plastic material Ø = 15 mm; Length = 210 mm (with -N output only) t020a-TTA-I t020c-TTA-S
Measurement performance Transducer Resolution Operating conditions Outputs
Pt100 1/3 DIN 43760 0.1 RS485-Modbus
Temperature Current
4÷20mA ↔ -30÷60°C 7÷30Vdc
RS485-Modbus / 0 ÷ 2 V
Mechanical specifications Weight Electrical connections Natural output Voltage output
0.2kg IP67 / 4 male poles t020-TTA-N t020b-TTA-V
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