Categories: Meteorology

TTEPRH is a combined sensor for measuring air temperature and relative humidity. Temperature measurement is taken using a platinum Pt100 resistance thermometer with a response curve compliant with the DIN 43760 Class 1/3 standard and with a 4-wire connection.

The humidity measurement is obtained using a laser-cut capacitive polymer transducer connected to an electronic signal conditioning board. The sensor is offered either in the TTEPRH-N version with natural output for temperature (4-wire Pt100) and 0-1 V output for humidity, or in the I, V, S, 12 versions (respectively in current, tension, serial Modbus and serial SDI -12 outputs).

Serial versions (Modbus or SDI-12) can provide, in addition to the air temperature and humidity measurements, the values of dew and frost points as well. The sensor body is made out of corrosion-resistant aluminum alloy and stainless steel screws. A non-hygroscopic and UV-stabilized plastic screen protects the sensing element, generating at the same time a ventilated environment. This allows the sensor to have a proper functioning not affected by sunlight.

TTEPRH is supplied with power and signal cable (4 m).

Main features
  • It measures dew and frost points
  • High accuracy
  • Naturally ventilated protection shield
  • Protect against overvoltages

Product Detail Description

Measurement performance
Temperature [°C] Relative Humidity [%]
Transducer Transducer
Pt100 1/3 DIN 43760 Capacitive
Measurement range Measurement range
-30 ÷ +60 0-100
Accuracy (natural output) Accuracy (Temperatures -20 ÷ 60°C)
1/3 DIN 43760 ‡2
Accuracy (serial output, tension output, current output) Resolution
1/3 DIN 43760 ÷ 0.1 0.03
Long-term stability (maximum variability of the measured value)
< 0.25 a year
Natural RS485-Modbus
Pt100 4-wires Temperature, relative humidity, dew and frost points
Tension SDI - 12
0 ÷ 2V → -30 ÷ 60 °C Temperature, relative humidity, dew and frost points
4÷ 20 mA → -30 ÷ 60°C
Power supply and Consumption
Voltage supply
7=30 Vdc
Mechanical specifications
Protective body
Plastic material (ABS) and stainless steel screws
1.4 kg
Ø = 240 mm; Height = 275 mm
Installation mast size (diameter)
External Ømax=40 mm / Internal Ømin=36 mm
Electrical connections
1P67 / 7 pole male connector
Ordering codes
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