Categories: Meteorology

TTT is a high-quality temperature sensor that has been manufactured specifically by Siap+Micros for soil temperature measurement. It is suitable for agrometeorological applications and generally flexible to be used in every environmental monitoring.

The sensor is extremely accurate and it is composed of a 30 cm long graduated plastic rod, equipped with a sensing element mounted on the rod edge. By inserting the rod into the ground, TTT can easily provide the value of soil temperature with respect to a specific variable requested depth.

The protective body is made of high-quality plastic. The sensing element is based on a Pt100 Platinum thermo-resistance calibrated with a response curve in accordance with Class 1/3 DIN 43760 standard. Furthermore, the thermo-resistance is installed into a stainless steel tube, which protects it from corrosion and ensures at the same time excellent sensitivity to temperature.

The sensor is supplied with power and signal cable (12m).

  • Monitoring soil temperature at the desired depth
  • Protected against over tensions
  • Virtually maintenance free
  • Very low consumption

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