Categories: Meteorology

WINSON-W is an ultrasonic anemometer for the measurement of wind speed and wind direction. The sensor exploits the principle for which the acoustic waves, along their path, are influenced by the movements of the air they pass through. The sensing element is composed of 2 pairs of transducers-receivers along two orthogonal axes in order to detect both wind speed and wind direction on the horizontal plane. WINSON-W is characterized by a high sensitivity for detecting very low speeds which are not detectable by traditional methods. This feature allows to set the starting threshold even below 0.5 m/s. The sensor is also equipped with a magnetic compass for applications on mobile stations. Two different output options are available, one is RS485 Modbus and the second is analog (current or voltage). WINSON-W is supplied with power and signal cable (12m).

  • High accuracy
  • Reduced wing profile
  • Analog and digital electrical outputs
  • Diagnostic system for reporting measurement errors

Product Detail Description

Measurement Performance
Wind direction [°]
  • Resolution: 0.1
  • Response time: ≤1 s
  • Measurement range: 0 ÷ 75
  • Accuracy: 2% in the range 2÷25, <3% outside range 2÷25
Operating conditions
  • Humidity: 0% ÷ 100%
Outputs RS485 Modbus
Power supply and consumption 26 mA @ 12 Vdc
Mechanical specifications
  • Level of protection (IP): IP66
  • Dimensions: Ø = 150 mm; Height: = 180 mm
  • Electrical connections: M23 connector
Wind speed [m/s] Performance
Resolution 0.1
Response time ≤0.5 s
Measurement range 0 ÷ 360
Accuracy ±2
Outputs RS485-Modbus
Analog output Wind speed, wind direction (standard 4÷20mA, 0÷1V upon request)
Power supply 10 ÷ 30 Vdc
Materials ASA and AISI 316 Stainless Steel
Weight 640 g
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