Raspberry Shake 4D - RS4D

Strong Motion Seismograph

Categories: Seismometer

  • Multiple sensor technology recommended for active earthquake areas
  • Record high quality up-down activity for earthquakes of all magnitudes near and far
  • Accelerometer sensors remain on scale to detect larger local earthquakes on all axes
  • Highly versatile, capable of measuring both strong motion and micro-seismic activity
  • Stay on scale with the RS4D! Incorporating both velocity and acceleration sensors, the RS4D is an incredibly flexible seismograph. The multiple sensor technologies not only extend its usage applications, but also widen the range of motion it can detect. It is capable of measuring both strong motion and micro-seismic activity.

    This highly portable, turnkey device integrates the velocity and acceleration sensors, digitizer, hyper-damper, and computer into a single unit. The difference between the RS1D and the RS4D is that the RS4D has three accelerometer sensors built into the board which detect ground motion both horizontally and vertically.

    Product Detail Description

    Waterproof Rated Outdoor Only: IP67
    Raspberry Pi model included Ships with 3 Model B
    Connectivity Wifi or Ethernet
    Outdoor Only: The supported standard for the IP67 LAN connector is 100 Mbit/s.
    System Requirements Windows, Linux, or Mac OS compatible
    License All users must adhere to the Raspberry Shake license agreement.
    Warranty The Raspberry Shake circuit board and geophone components come with a one-year guarantee.
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