
Enviromental Data Collection Platform

Categories: Software

PolarisWEB is a web-based platform for the remote data collection, supervision, and control of environmental monitoring networks, entirely developed by Siap+Micros. Having been tested in numerous projects implemented worldwide, it currently represents the heart of the monitoring system for hundreds of customers and users.

PolarisWEB uses an Open Source SQL database ensuring easy data access and integration with other applications. It is accessible from any fixed or mobile device using a web browser. PolarisWEB is, by its nature, a cross-platform application (Windows/Linux/Mac/IOS/Android etc.) and it is optimized to be used on different kinds of devices by using a scalable interface and vectorial graphics.

The platform is composed of different modules ensuring the following main functionalities: data acquisition, validation, storage, visualization (GIS, tabular, and graphical), reporting, management of alarms, network supervision and diagnostics, control of the data transmission system (GPRS/UMTS/LTE, UHF radio, Satellite). The above features allow achieving complete network management in real-time. Furthermore, the software supports the most used standard communication protocols such as TCP-IP, FTP, MODBUS-RTU, MODBUS-TCP/IP, etc.

The PolarisWEB suite comes in different languages: English, Italian, Spanish, and French but is possible to add others upon request. Moreover, the platform can be either installed on the customer’s IT infrastructure or provided as a Cloud solution.

Product Detail Description

  • Data Visualization: Display measures and station information in various formats, including numerical, graphical, map, and tabular.
  • Fast Viewer: Tool for quick data consultation, organizing data in tabular and graphical formats with filters, trends, and alarms.
  • Data Validation: Apply validation rules to acquired measures while storing both raw and processed data.
  • Supervision: Monitor network status, manage alarms, display statistics, and configure data logger parameters.
  • Data Export: Automatically export data in various formats and transmission modes.
  • Alarm Management: Manage alarms and disseminate alerts via SMS, email, or phone-call.
  • Quality Control: Continuously analyze data series to detect anomalies and ensure data integrity.
  • Other Features: Customizable synoptic module, data import/export, and data exchange between databases.
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