⁠Installation Prekursor

Peralatan Sistem Prekursor Gempabumi Menggunakan Metoda Magnet Bumi

Installation of Earthquake Precursor System Using Magnet Method


Maluku, Papua, and Banten



Project Scope:

Installation, Configuration, and Maintenance.

Project Details:

The project focuses on the installation, configuration, and maintenance of the Earthquake Precursor System using the magnet method in Maluku, Papua, and Banten. The project timeline spans from 2022 to 2023.

Installation Process: Precursor 2022 Installation:

One new installation was conducted in 2022, and Four new installations were conducted in 2023 at the following locations:

  • Location: Gunung Sari, Banten
  • Location: Teluk Ambon, Ambon (Maluku)
  • Location: Istana Kecil Sultan Ternate, Ternate (North Maluku)
  • Location: Kantor Kecamatan Kormomolin, Saumlaki (Maluku)
  • Location: Stageof Sorong, Sorong (Southwest Papua)

The installation process involves meticulous planning, site preparation, equipment setup, and configuration to ensure the accurate and reliable operation of the Earthquake Precursor System. Each installation location is carefully selected based on geological and seismic activity data to maximize the effectiveness of the monitoring system.

During the installation process, comprehensive testing and calibration are performed to validate the functionality and accuracy of the installed equipment. Any issues or discrepancies are promptly addressed to ensure optimal performance and data integrity.

Maintenance visits are scheduled periodically to conduct routine inspections, equipment servicing, and software updates. These maintenance activities are essential for sustaining the reliability and effectiveness of the Earthquake Precursor System, thereby enhancing early warning capabilities and disaster preparedness in the region.

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