Surveys & System Design

We begin by conducting comprehensive site surveys to thoroughly assess your specific seismological requirements. Our dedicated team considers various factors, including geological context and environmental conditions. We then proceed to create a tailored system design, ensuring it aligns perfectly with your research goals and the local geological context.

Our design process takes into account the optimal placement of seismological instruments and data collection points to maximize the accuracy of your research efforts. The configuration and building of the system is customized to ensure the efficient operation of your seismological network, with a seamless integration process that minimizes disruptions to your existing infrastructure.

Configuration & Build

Our comprehensive Configuration & Build service encompasses the advanced configuration of seismological instruments, precise calibration, rigorous testing, and the robust construction of custom solutions to meet your research and monitoring requirements.

Our meticulous quality assurance process includes extensive testing to ensure each component functions optimally.

  • - Expert instrument configuration.
  • - Precise instrument calibration.
  • - Rigorous quality testing.
  • - Custom system construction.
  • - Stringent quality assurance standards.

Integration & installation

Our Integration & Installation service focuses on the seamless integration of seismological systems into your existing infrastructure.

Professional installation ensures the accurate and reliable data collection required for in-depth research. We establish network connections for real-time data transmission and monitoring.

Rigorous system checks verify proper functioning and data accuracy. Additionally, we provide comprehensive training to ensure your team can effectively operate and maintain the integrated systems.


Our commitment to your seismological solutions doesn't end with the installation. Our After Sales Support service encompasses continuous monitoring, regular maintenance, technical assistance, software updates, and prompt issue resolution.

We ensure your systems remain in peak condition, with up-to-date software, and a dedicated team ready to assist with any technical challenges that may arise.

  • - Continuous system monitoring.
  • - Regular maintenance services.
  • - Expert technical assistance.
  • - Timely software updates.
  • - Prompt issue resolution to minimize downtime.

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